Why Fine Art Coins?
Nearly 100 million silver coins are produced every year.
The majority of these coins have the same image as the previous 10-20+ years.
The looks may be iconic, but let's face it bullion is boring, uninspired and overproduced!
The current silver eagle has been in production since 1986. In fact there have been nearly 632,000,000 silver eagles produced since that time. That doesn't sound very exclusive, collectible or limited to us!
Don't worry, Ultra Rare Coins is here to the rescue!
We didn't think how we could re-engineer the wheel, we thought, how can we more exciting, more exclusive and more beautiful.
Ultra Rare Coins features Fine Art on Coins with Strict Minting Limitations. We do this to protect the exclusivity and collectibility of each mint run. Additional mintings will be chartered based on demand, and each will be notated with their mint run on the coin face.
All of our coins are proof state uncirculated and will come encapsulated with a Hand Numbered Gold Foil Certificate of Authenticity.
We believe that precious metal coins provide a unique opportunity to serve an under served collectible market. One that combines the things we love most about collectibles, exclusive and low print/mint runs, beautiful art and a physical touch and feel that simply cannot be obtained with other products.
In fact, we have mapped out several series featuring iconic themes and larger than life characters and we can't wait to share them with you!
If you love our Series 1 Greek Mythology, we are sure you are doing to love Series 2! Stay tuned for our official crowd funding and social media announcements to be first in the know and to place your reservations on future Ultra Rare Coins so that you don't miss out on collecting the full series.
Thank you for reading and happy collecting!
Posted in
Bullion, Coin Collecting, History, Precious Metals, Silver